

  1. WAP to read 2 numbers and print addition of those two numbers
  2. WAP to read 2 numbers and print subtraction
  3. WAP to read 2 numbers and print multiplication
  4. WAP to read 2 numbers and print division
  5. WAP to read 2 numbers and print modulus (Remainder)
  6. WAP to read radius and print area and circumference of circle
  7. WAP to read length and breadth and print area and perimeter of rectangle

Conditional Statement (if else)

  1. WAP to read a number and check if its positive or negative
  2. WAP to read a number and check it is even or odd
  3. WAP to read 2 numbers and find greatest among them
  4. WAP to read 3 numbers and find greatest among them
  5. WAP to read marks of 5 subjects and check the student is pass or failed
    1. add validation for marks less than 0
    2. add validation for marks greater than 100


  1. WAP to print hello world 10 times with numbering
  2. WAP to print square of numbers from 1 to 10
  3. WAP to print numbers from 1 to given number
  4. WAP to print cube of numbers from 1 to given number
  5. WAP to read a number and print table of that number
  6. WAP to execute Fizz Buzz Problem / Print number 1 to 100
    1. if number is divisible by 3 then print Fizz
    2. if number is divisible by 5 then print Buzz
    3. if number is divisible by both 3 and 5 then print Fizz Buzz
  7. WAP to execute lift program of 20 floor
    1. print number with delay of 1 sec (use time module’s sleep method)
    2. skip 13 number
    3. break after printing 13
  8. WAP to create random jackpot number and take input from user to guess the number. Based on level the attempt to guess the number should change
    1. Easy – 20 attempts
    2. Medium – 10 attempts
    3. Difficult – 5 attempts