- What is PEAR
- Full form of PHP
- Difference between GET and POST
- Array Functions (any 5)
- String Functions (any 5)
- What are the data types available in Php
- New features in PHP 7
- What is session how does it work. Where does session store.
- What is cookie
- Difference between session and cookies
- How to get extension of file.
- Difference between include and require
- What are magic methods in php
- Types of errors in php
- How to disables errors in php
- How to set the execution time of a script
- How to secure SQL in php
- What is MVC design pattern
- What is XSS and CSRF
- Difference between Apache and Nginx
- What are major and minor pillars of OOPS
- What is Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Difference between Abstract Class and Interface
- What is the use of static modifier
- What are the different access specifier
- What is method overloading and method overriding
- What is final keyword
- Why php doesn’t support multiple inheritance
- How to achieve multiple inheritance in OOPS
- Can we create object of abstract class
- Design Patterns: Singleton (description) and Factory
- Can methods in interface have private or protected visibility
SQL / Database
- What is DDL, DML, DQL, DCL and DTL
- What are Joins
- Inner Join, Left outer Join, Full outer join
- What is Union
- Inner Query
- Subquery
- How to get the highest and second highest salary holders
- Difference between LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN
- Select employees and their manager names from employees table
- How to use REGEX in DQL
- Difference between stored procedure and functions
- What is trigger
- How to create views, procedure, function and package
- What is indexing. How indexing work in RDBMS
- What is the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM database engine
Angular JS
- How to pass data from one controller to another
- Why to use Angular JS over jquery or javascript
Web Services
- What is Web API/Web Service?
- Difference Between Web API/Web Service?
- Overview of RPC, XML-RPC, REST
- Securing API (Token, JWT, OAuth2)
- Please describe some potential issues with developing a REST API with Laravel and how you would mitigate them
- What is CSRF attack
- What is XSS attack
- What is SQL injection How can we protect
- How can we secure web services
- iFrame cross-origin
- What are some of the things you would do to make sure the code you develop is both optimised and secure?
Project Management
- What are a few of your favorite development tools and why?
What are the ways to create object of class
There are four different ways to create objects in java:
- A. Using new keyword. This is the most common way to create an object in java. …
- B. Using Class.forName() If we know the name of the class & if it has a public default constructor we can create an object in this way.
- C. Using clone() …
- D. Using object deserialization.
What are methods of Object class
Object class methods | Description |
int hashCode(); | Returns a hash value that is used to search objects in a collection |
void notify(); | Used in synchronizing threads |
void notifyAll(); | Used in synchronizing threads |
String toString(); | Can be used to convert the object to String |