
Week 1 Assignment

  1. WAP to read radius of circle and calculate Area and Circumference
  2. WAP to read 3 numbers and find their mean
  3. WAP to read 2 numbers and find Sum of their last digit
  4. WAP to read 4 digit number and sum of its digits
  5. WAP to read radius of Sphere and find its Volume
  6. WAP to read 3 digit number and sum of its digit
  7. WAP to read 4 digit number and find reverse of that number
  8. WAP to read temperature in degree Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit
  9. WAP to read value in inches and print it in feet and inches
  10. WAP to read marks of 5 subjects and print total and percentage
  11. Create radio button
    red blue yellow green
    on change of radio button change background color of body
  12. Create 2 select box and move items from left to right and vice versa
  13. Create 3 select box country state city
  • on change of country load states
  • on change of state load cities

Programs on If Statement

SWITCH Statement

Week 2 Assignment

Loops Programs

Arrays Programs (One Dimensional)

Arrays Programs (Multi Dimensional)


  1. Create JSON Object with following information
    Roll Number, Name, Age, Sex
    EmpNo, Name, Job, Sal
    Name, Wages, WorkingDays
  2. WAP to create array of 5 json objects worker and display average payment
    object parameter: name,wages,working_days
  3. WAP to create array of 5 json objects student and print all student records who has greater than average marks
    roll_no, name, marks

AJAX (fetch API)

  1. WAS to make AJAX call for following operations
    1. Input a number in text box and get square of that number from php script
    2. Input 2 numbers in text box and get addition of two numbers from php script
    3. Input radius in text box and find area and circumference of circle from php script
    4. Input length and breadth in text box and find area of rectangle from php script
    5. Input a number in text box and find factorial of number from php script
  2. WAP to print users data in html table by making ajax call to
    • (should have column to display thumbnail of user avatar)

Week 3 Assignment

  1. Design a class Rectangle
    • data members:
      1.  length
      2. breadth
    • member function / method: 
      1. setDimension()
      2. area()
      3. perimeter()
  2. Design a class Worker
    • data members:
      1. wages
      2. wdays
    • member function / method:
      1. setData()
      2. payment()
  3. Design a class Box
    • data members:
      1. length
      2. breadth
      3. height
    • member functions / methods:
      1. setDimension()
      2. volume()
  4. Design a class Rectangle
    • data members:
      1. length
      2. breadth
    • member functions / methods:
      1. setDimension()
      2. area()
      3. perimeter()
  5. Design a class Box
    • data members:
      1. length
      2. breadth
      3. height
    • member functions / methods:
      1. volume()
  6. Design a class Account
    • data members:
      1. account_number
      2. balance
    • member functions / methods:
      1. deposit()
      2. withdraw()
      3. showBalance()
  7. Design a class Set
    • data members:
      1. 3 numbers
    • member functions / methods:
      1. SUM()
      2. MEAN()
      3. MAX()
      4. MIN()
  8. Design a class Student
    • data members:
      1. roll_number
      2. name
    • member functions / methods:
      1. setData()
      2. getData()
  9. Design a class Account
    • data members:
      1. account_number
      2. balance
      3. interest_rate
        NOTE: interest_rate must be shared by all objects and its default value 10.25
    • member function:
      1. interest(no_of_years)
  10. Design a class Student
    • data members:
      1. roll_number
      2. name
    • member functions / methods:
      1. setData()
      2. getData()
        NOTE: roll_number must be automatically generated.It also keep track of total number of Students.
  11. Design a class Student
    • data members:
      1. roll_number
      2. name
    • member functions / methods:
      1. getData()
      2. showData()
        Create Array of 5 Student objects
  12. Create array of Student Objects
    • data members:
      1. roll_no
      2. name
      3. college
    • member functions / methods:
      1. readData()
      2. showData()
  13. Create a class RBI
    • data members:
      1. account_number
      2. balance
    • member functions / methods:
      1. deposit(int amt)
      2. withdraw(int amt)
      3. showBalance()

Fun with JS CSS and HTML

  1. Create radio button red blue yellow green on change of radio button change background color of body
  2. Create 2 select box and move items from left to right and vice versa
  3. Create 3 select box country state city a) on change of country load states b) on change of state load cities
    NOTE: Use AJAX call and fetch country states and cities from mysql database
  4. Create tic-tac-toe game.
    1. single player with computer
    2. multiplayer with manual event