Week 1 Assignment
- WAP to read radius of circle and calculate Area and Circumference
- WAP to read 3 numbers and find their mean
- WAP to read 2 numbers and find Sum of their last digit
- WAP to read 4 digit number and sum of its digits
- WAP to read radius of Sphere and find its Volume
- WAP to read 3 digit number and sum of its digit
- WAP to read 4 digit number and find reverse of that number
- WAP to read temperature in degree Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit
- WAP to read value in inches and print it in feet and inches
- WAP to read marks of 5 subjects and print total and percentage
- Create radio button
red blue yellow green
on change of radio button change background color of body - Create 2 select box and move items from left to right and vice versa
- Create 3 select box country state city
- on change of country load states
- on change of state load cities
Week 2 Assignment
- Create JSON Object with following information
Roll Number, Name, Age, Sex
EmpNo, Name, Job, Sal
Name, Wages, WorkingDays - WAP to create array of 5 json objects worker and display average payment
object parameter: name,wages,working_days - WAP to create array of 5 json objects student and print all student records who has greater than average marks
roll_no, name, marks
AJAX (fetch API)
- WAS to make AJAX call for following operations
- Input a number in text box and get square of that number from php script
- Input 2 numbers in text box and get addition of two numbers from php script
- Input radius in text box and find area and circumference of circle from php script
- Input length and breadth in text box and find area of rectangle from php script
- Input a number in text box and find factorial of number from php script
- WAP to print users data in html table by making ajax call to
- https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users
- https://reqres.in/api/users (should have column to display thumbnail of user avatar)
Week 3 Assignment
- Design a class Rectangle
- data members:
- length
- breadth
- member function / method:
- setDimension()
- area()
- perimeter()
- data members:
- Design a class Worker
- data members:
- wages
- wdays
- member function / method:
- setData()
- payment()
- data members:
- Design a class Box
- data members:
- length
- breadth
- height
- member functions / methods:
- setDimension()
- volume()
- data members:
- Design a class Rectangle
- data members:
- length
- breadth
- member functions / methods:
- setDimension()
- area()
- perimeter()
- data members:
- Design a class Box
- data members:
- length
- breadth
- height
- member functions / methods:
- volume()
- data members:
- Design a class Account
- data members:
- account_number
- balance
- member functions / methods:
- deposit()
- withdraw()
- showBalance()
- data members:
- Design a class Set
- data members:
- 3 numbers
- member functions / methods:
- SUM()
- MEAN()
- MAX()
- MIN()
- data members:
- Design a class Student
- data members:
- roll_number
- name
- member functions / methods:
- setData()
- getData()
- data members:
- Design a class Account
- data members:
- account_number
- balance
- interest_rate
NOTE: interest_rate must be shared by all objects and its default value 10.25
- member function:
- interest(no_of_years)
- data members:
- Design a class Student
- data members:
- roll_number
- name
- member functions / methods:
- setData()
- getData()
NOTE: roll_number must be automatically generated.It also keep track of total number of Students.
- data members:
- Design a class Student
- data members:
- roll_number
- name
- member functions / methods:
- getData()
- showData()
Create Array of 5 Student objects
- data members:
- Create array of Student Objects
- data members:
- roll_no
- name
- college
- member functions / methods:
- readData()
- showData()
- data members:
- Create a class RBI
- data members:
- account_number
- balance
- member functions / methods:
- deposit(int amt)
- withdraw(int amt)
- showBalance()
- data members:
Fun with JS CSS and HTML
- Create radio button red blue yellow green on change of radio button change background color of body
- Create 2 select box and move items from left to right and vice versa
- Create 3 select box country state city a) on change of country load states b) on change of state load cities
NOTE: Use AJAX call and fetch country states and cities from mysql database
- Create tic-tac-toe game.