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- WAP to read an array of 10 numbers and find their sum
- WAP to read temperature days of Week and find their Mean
- WAP to read an array of 10 numbers and find greatest of them
- WAP to read an array of 10 numbers and count all EVEN and ODD numbers
- WAP to rad an array of 10 numbers and find sum, mean, min, max
- WAP to read an array of 10 numbers and search a number in it
- WAP to read an array of 10 numbers and sort it in ascending order
- WAP to read an array of 10 numbers and sort it in descending order
- WAP to insert a number at given position in an array (optional)
- WAP to remove a number from given position from an array (optional)
- WAP to arrange all even numbers at top and all odd numbers at bottom of an array (optional)