PHP User Management System

A user or admin facing problem managing data on excel sheet.
He/She need a system to perform at least following operations

  1. Add Record
  2. Modify Record
  3. Delete Record
  4. Show Listing and Search Data to get specific Information.

User need a system which should be accessible from internet so that he can work from any machine (laptop/desktop/mobile).

You need to develop a web application with best of your knowledge

Roles: Admin

With correct credentials admin should be able to login and see the dashboard.

if credentials are wrong he will stay on login page and show a message – wrong credentials.

On successful login admin can see users list perform all CRUDL operations.

NOTE: you need to use vim editor to edit files

Following are the wireframes for reference.





delete confirm box

Technologies to be used

  • composer for package management and autoload
  • ini for configuration
  • git and gitlab for version control
  • HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap 5 for UI/UX
  • jquery 3.6 or javascript for validation and AJAX
  • php 7.4 or 8 as backend programming language
  • mysql 8 database
  • PDO for database operations
  • PHPUnit for unit testing
  • python and php for automation script (Use cron jobs to automatically run script)
  • nginx web server
  • use infinityfree / webserver / cloudserver for website hosting
  • Jenkins and git-ftp for CI/CD

MVP / Deliverable

  1. P0
    1. Users Listing
    2. Delete User Record
    3. Add User Record with Profile Picture
      (User status should be enum in database table: enable, disable, blocked, active, inactive)
    4. Update User Record
    5. Session Management Login / Logout
  2. P1
    1. View User Details in Modal Window
    2. Pagination
    3. Sorting
    4. Searching
    5. Filtering
  3. P2
    1. Frontend – Backend Validation
    2. Export CSV Users
    3. Bulk Upload CSV
    4. Activity Log
    5. Export Activity Log
  4. P3
    1. Login with OTP i.e. 2FA (Use Redis to store OTP)
    2. Login Logout for user account
    3. Inactive User status if not logged in for 3 consecutive days
    4. Change Admin and User Password from their respective account
    5. Secret Questions and Forgot Password / Recover Password using secret questions or through the email link
  5. P4
    1. REST API (Web Services) for User CRUDL Operations
    2. Protect REST API using Basic Authentication or JWT token
    3. Login with google API or Facebook API
    4. PHPUnit test for all functionalities
    5. Licensing or limit user registration
  6. P5
    1. Dashboard showing following summary (Use highcharts)
      1. Total User
      2. Active Users
      3. License Count / Usage Count
      4. Online Users
      5. Weekly Registration Stats


Ref SQL Queries


SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 3;

DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 3;

INSERT INTO users (id, name, age, city, added_at, updated_at) VALUES (NULL, 'sonam gupta', 18, 'gorakhpur', NOW(), NOW());

UPDATE users SET name = 'Sonam Gupta', age = 20, city = 'Gorakhpur', updated_at = NOW() WHERE id = 5;



Php CRUD Application – How to Create Website Using Php – YouTube

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